namespace Zeta { /* =========================== Zeta XCOPY. Last modified: 2009-09-19. --------------------------- Description: This is a quickly assembled (but rather well tested and used) piece of code to simulate parts of the XCOPY command line tool. It has fewer features as XCOPY and is intended for copying folders (the original XCOPY works for both files and folders). In addition it is being designed to be used in a console environment (i.e. the operations are synchronously and blocking). I am using this in a C# Script[1] file to copy files and building a setup with NSIS[2] for our Zeta Test[3] and Zeta Producer[4] software. --------------------------- Example usage: var options = new ZetaFolderXCopyOptions { FilesPattern = "*.*", RecurseFolders = true, CopyEmptyFolders = true, CopyHiddenAndSystemFiles = true, OverwriteExistingFiles = true, CopyOnlyIfSourceIsNewer = false, FoldersPattern = "*" } .AddExcludeSubStrings( "\\.svn\\", "\\_svn\\", "\\_Temporary\\" ); var xc = new ZetaFolderXCopy(); xc.Copy( sourceFolderPath, destinationFolderPath, options ); --------------------------- References: [1] C# Script - Script engine based on .NET, [2] NSIS - Open Source installer, [3] Zeta Test - A Windows-based Test Management tool, [4] Zeta Producer - A Windows-based CMS, --------------------------- Contact information: Author: Uwe Keim E-mail: Twitter: Google: XING: Facebook: =========================== */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; public class ZetaFolderXCopyOptions { public ZetaFolderXCopyOptions() { FilesPattern = "*.*"; FoldersPattern = "*"; } private readonly List _excludeSubStrings = new List(); private readonly List _includeSubStrings = new List(); public bool RecurseFolders { get; set; } public bool CopyEmptyFolders { get; set; } public bool CopyHiddenAndSystemFiles { get; set; } public bool OverwriteExistingFiles { get; set; } public bool CopyOnlyIfSourceIsNewer { get; set; } public List ExcludeSubStrings { get { return _excludeSubStrings; } } public List IncludeSubStrings { get { return _includeSubStrings; } } // E.g. "*.exe;*.dll" public string FilesPattern { get; set; } public string FoldersPattern { get; set; } public ZetaFolderXCopyOptions AddExcludeSubStrings( params string[] items ) { ExcludeSubStrings.AddRange( items ); return this; } public ZetaFolderXCopyOptions AddIncludeSubStrings( params string[] items ) { IncludeSubStrings.AddRange( items ); return this; } } public class ZetaFolderXCopy { // Central switch to turn verbose logging on/off. public const bool _VERBOSE = true; private static void verboseLog( string text, params object[] args ) { verboseLog( string.Format(text, args) ); } private static void verboseLog( string text ) { if (_VERBOSE ) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("[VERBOSE {0}] {1}", DateTime.Now, text ).Trim()); } } public void Copy( string sourceFolderPath, string destinationFolderPath, ZetaFolderXCopyOptions options ) { CopyFolderTree( sourceFolderPath, destinationFolderPath, options ); } private static bool doesStringNotContainSubString( string searchIn, List subStrings ) { return !doesStringContainSubString(searchIn, subStrings); } private static bool doesStringContainSubString( string searchIn, List subStrings ) { if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchIn) ) { return false; } else { if ( subStrings.Count<=0 ) { // None present means "ALL". return true; } else { foreach ( var subString in subStrings ) { if ( searchIn.IndexOf( subString, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase )>=0 ) { return true; } } return false; } } } private static string PathHelperCombine( string path1, string path2 ) { if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( path1 ) ) { return path2; } else if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( path2 ) ) { return path1; } else { path1 = path1.TrimEnd( '\\', '/' ).Replace( '/', '\\' ); path2 = path2.TrimStart( '\\', '/' ).Replace( '/', '\\' ); return path1 + "\\" + path2; } } private static void CopyFolderTree( string sourceFolderPath, string destinationFolderPath, ZetaFolderXCopyOptions options ) { verboseLog(""); verboseLog("**************"); verboseLog("Copying folder tree '{0}' to '{1}'.", sourceFolderPath, destinationFolderPath); var dst = new DirectoryInfo( destinationFolderPath ); CheckCreateFolder( dst ); // -- // All files. var sourceFilePaths = getFiles( sourceFolderPath, options.FilesPattern ); verboseLog("Got {0} files in source folder '{1}' with pattern '{2}'.", sourceFilePaths.Length, sourceFolderPath, options.FilesPattern); if ( sourceFilePaths != null ) { foreach ( var sourceFilePath in sourceFilePaths ) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName( sourceFilePath ); var destinationFilePath = PathHelperCombine( dst.FullName, fileName ); bool copy = OnProgressFile( new FileInfo( sourceFilePath ), new FileInfo( destinationFilePath ), options ); if ( copy ) { verboseLog("COPYING file '{0}' to '{1}'.", sourceFilePath, destinationFilePath); CopyFile( sourceFilePath, destinationFilePath, options ); } else { verboseLog("NOT copying file '{0}' to '{1}'.", sourceFilePath, destinationFilePath); } } } // -- // All folders. if ( options.RecurseFolders) { verboseLog("RECURSING folders." ); var srcFolders = Directory.GetDirectories( sourceFolderPath, options.FoldersPattern ); verboseLog("Got {0} child folders in source folder '{1}' with pattern '{2}'.", srcFolders.Length, sourceFolderPath, options.FoldersPattern); if ( srcFolders != null ) { foreach ( string srcFolder in srcFolders ) { var path = new DirectoryInfo( srcFolder ); if ( !isFolderEmpty(path) || options.CopyEmptyFolders ) { var diff = srcFolder.Substring( sourceFolderPath.Length ); var destinationSubFolderPath = new DirectoryInfo( PathHelperCombine( dst.FullName, diff ) ); bool copy = OnProgressFolder( path, destinationSubFolderPath, options); if ( copy ) { verboseLog("Recursing into folder '{0}' (destination folder '{1}').", path.FullName, destinationSubFolderPath); // Recurse into. CopyFolderTree( path.FullName, destinationSubFolderPath.FullName, options ); } else { verboseLog("NOT recursing into folder '{0}' (destination folder '{1}').", path.FullName, destinationSubFolderPath); } } } } } else { verboseLog("NOT recursing folders." ); } } private static bool isFolderEmpty( DirectoryInfo folderPath ) { return folderPath.GetFiles().Length<=0; } private static bool OnProgressFolder( DirectoryInfo sourceFolderPath, DirectoryInfo destinationFolderPath, ZetaFolderXCopyOptions options ) { var sfp = sourceFolderPath.FullName.TrimEnd('\\') + "\\"; if ( options.ExcludeSubStrings.Count>0 && doesStringContainSubString( sfp, options.ExcludeSubStrings ) ) { return false; } else { if ( options.IncludeSubStrings.Count<=0 || doesStringContainSubString( sfp, options.IncludeSubStrings ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } } private static bool OnProgressFile( FileInfo sourceFilePath, FileInfo destinationFilePath, ZetaFolderXCopyOptions options ) { if ( options.CopyHiddenAndSystemFiles || !IsSystemOrHiddenFile(sourceFilePath)) { if ( !options.CopyOnlyIfSourceIsNewer|| IsFileOneNewerThanFileTwo(sourceFilePath, destinationFilePath) ) { if ( options.OverwriteExistingFiles||!destinationFilePath.Exists) { if ( options.ExcludeSubStrings.Count>0 && doesStringContainSubString( sourceFilePath.FullName, options.ExcludeSubStrings ) ) { return false; } else { if ( options.IncludeSubStrings.Count<=0 || doesStringContainSubString( sourceFilePath.FullName, options.IncludeSubStrings ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } private static void CopyFile( string sourceFilePath, string destinationFilePath, ZetaFolderXCopyOptions options ) { CheckCreateFolder( new FileInfo( destinationFilePath ).Directory ); Console.WriteLine( "Copying file from '{0}' to '{1}'.", sourceFilePath, destinationFilePath ); File.Copy( sourceFilePath, destinationFilePath, options.OverwriteExistingFiles ); } private static DirectoryInfo CheckCreateFolder( DirectoryInfo folderPath ) { if ( folderPath != null && !folderPath.Exists ) { verboseLog("Creating folder '{0}'.", folderPath.FullName); folderPath.Create(); } return folderPath; } private static bool IsSystemOrHiddenFile( FileInfo filePath ) { if ( filePath == null || !filePath.Exists ) { return false; } else { var attributes = filePath.Attributes; if ( (attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) != 0 || (attributes & FileAttributes.System) != 0 ) { return true; } else { return false; } } } private static bool IsSystemOrHiddenFolder( DirectoryInfo folderPath ) { if ( folderPath == null || !folderPath.Exists ) { return false; } else { var attributes = folderPath.Attributes; if ( (attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) != 0 || (attributes & FileAttributes.System) != 0 ) { return true; } else { return false; } } } private static bool IsFileOneNewerThanFileTwo( string one, string two ) { if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( one ) || !File.Exists( one ) ) { return false; } else if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( two ) || !File.Exists( two ) ) { return true; } else { var d1 = File.GetLastWriteTime( one ); var d2 = File.GetLastWriteTime( two ); var b = d1 > d2; return b; } } private static bool IsFileOneNewerThanFileTwo( FileInfo one, FileInfo two ) { if ( one == null ) { return false; } else if ( two == null ) { return true; } else { return IsFileOneNewerThanFileTwo( one.FullName, two.FullName ); } } private static string[] getFiles( string path, string searchPattern ) { return getFiles(path, searchPattern, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); } // Since Directory.GetFiles() does only allow one wildcard a time, // split e.g. "*.jpg;*.gif;*.png" into separate items and query for. // See private static string[] getFiles( string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) { var searchPatterns = searchPattern.Split(new char[]{';', ',', '|'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var files = new List(); foreach (string sp in searchPatterns) { files.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(path, sp.Trim(), searchOption)); } files.Sort(); return files.ToArray(); } } }